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(500) Days of Summer

-Home- -Fight Club- -Hostel- -(500) Days of Summer- -Airplane-

Cast: Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Zooey Deshanel

Plot: A fairly unhappy man finds happiness in his love for a girl named Summer. However, the girl doesn’t fall in love with him

Genre: Romance/Comedy/Drama

Rated: PG-13 for sexual material and language.

Favorite Lines: Tom: I love her smile. I love her hair. I love her knees. I love how she licks her lips before she talks. I love her heart-shaped birthmark on her neck. I love it when she sleeps.

(Later in the movie) Tom: I hate her crooked teeth. I hate the way she smacks her lips. I hate her knobby knees. I hate that cockroach shape splotch on her neck.

(McKenzie): Hey, don't you have like 20 cards to write by Friday? (Tom): Nope, all done. (McKenzie): Really? Well, could you help me with mine? Because I'm running out of ways to say "Congratulations". So far, I've got: "Congrats", "Good job" and "Well done". (Tom): Hmmm. How about…"Every day you make me proud. But today you get a card."

Review: This is the most underrated movie of this year. It was made by a first time director, who did an amazing job portraying the characters in the perfect way. This made the story line relatable to our own lives. The movie follows the 500 days of Tom’s life from when he met Summer, through the break up, and eventually to when he meets another girl ironically named Autumn. The movie isn’t as predictable as it may seem. The story line goes out of order, skipping days, but then going back to them. This adds originality and separates this movie from nearly every other romantic-comedy. There is lots of comic relief that doesn’t make the movie too serious and there are plenty of life lessons about how to get over an ex-girlfriend. Its quite a shame there are plenty of people that haven’t seen this movie.

Honorable Mention: 50 First Dates, Never Been Kissed, and Sleepless in Seattle.